Sunday, 28 February 2010

Dopey Ryan

He is a driver, an MD, Motor Driver, thats is his skill, that is the skill that the fire brigade give you when you past the LGV test and the blue light training, that is what is classed as a 'skill'.
I am trying to fathom how he got the MD qualification, I have asked him outright, he just shrugs his shoulders and says something that will probably make me laugh.
This is Ryan.
He has just run over my fire gear with the Turntable ladder. He has broke my lamp (torch) and he has busted my radio.
Only Ryan could do this.....He is THE dopiest (if that be a word) on the watch.

Friday, 26 February 2010

Better Latte than never......

I finally did it.

I finally built up the courage for a spot of sophistication.

Yes, thats right, I finally had a whole cup of coffee to myself!!

It is a life defining breakthrough.

A Starbucks Medium (grande!) Latte was my choice and I would be lying if I said it went down ok. It was pretty horrid and I am sure it was making my cheek twitch as I was trying to swallow every mouthful. It wasn't that i wanted to throw up, it just wasn't nice. I am also told that a Latte is quite an easy on the tastebuds coffee to drink. Ugh.

Danny was trying to tell me something and we were deep in conversation, I am positive he must have noticed my newly discovered twitch!

Oh well, lets hope the tastebuds change in the next few years as I am fed up of just having Tea. So much variety that i can't have...........

Monday, 22 February 2010

Tears for Lew Lew

Isabella gave me a real moment last week Saturday, of course every moment is ‘a moment‘ but I had been looking after her for a few hours in the morning whilst Natasha and my sister treated Darcie to James and the giant peach at Wimbledon kids theatre.

A bit of quality time with the bubba was just perfect. She was her usual relaxed and happy self so I didn’t have trouble, I never have trouble really…..well, err…. except I still cannot dress her without turning her upside down and inside out!

Anyway, we had fun watching baby TV and playing, Natasha came back and I was then released from bubba duties and went to leave for football.

I gave her a kiss……still smiling

I gave her a wave…….still smiling

I closed the door……..tears…tears and tears.

I would be lying if I said her tears didn’t make me feel really happy inside!

I came back in to cherish the moment of my child crying her eyes out and she stopped.
I was so made up about it and being the nasty git I can be, I tried to make her cry again so I could feel even better, alas, the second time around after the kiss, the wave and the door; there were no such tears and that moment is now locked up in this blog.

I tried hard to get her to miss me since but as far, no upset child.

Monday, 8 February 2010

A Short Blog

I think my favourite present from Christmas time has ended up being the jar of cola cubes!!!

I get a little excited when I am out of the house knowing that I will have a couple when I get back........

It is a little sad I know but then I am not big on presents because I never know what I want until the day after and wished i had asked for it.

Friday, 5 February 2010


****** ALERT ******

Today I noticed that my hair is receding rapidly and I may only have a few months of trendy haircuts left in me.

It is a bad day when you notice stuff like that. I only went to the toilet and I am now that little bit more down than I needed to be.

Damn you bursting bladder.

I have said countless times before that I am not bothered if my hair went away for good.

I have now changed my stance on this and I am particularly upset.

****** END OF ALERT ******

Thursday, 4 February 2010

For Gods Sake

Please read this and read it with no prejudices, no biases, and no prior knowledge.

I want you to imagine you have grown up the same way, the same upbringing.


Please take away any religion you have ever encountered, any values or morals you may have developed from scripture or readings/teachings of religious background.

Think for a bit and you will come up with the same world, the same people all around you, obviously there are no churches or mosques or faith centres! Perhaps we can fill those spaces with grass and playgrounds for kids?

I try to write a blog for a few different reasons but I wouldn’t want to bore anybody or myself for that matter and make it serious. I try to be funny and let my mind go mad, however, I was given bad news today when an old school friend died after a very short illness. With this very much in mind, I just want to share a few things and want people to just try to be impartial.

To me, religion of any sort is too much to take, so much time devoted to a belief, faith or cause for which there is no evidence. Obviously, religion takes up an amazing stance in all our lives but we don’t HAVE to follow it, we don’t have to do anything.

I am not religious in any way, yet I have lived a good honest life, using my own personal morals that I like to be treated the way I treat others, I didn’t need to read a book or scripture to be like this either. I learnt it from my parents, not in fear of sin.

For a start, I am not sure whose god is the real god anyway!

I’ve had a glance at a few bits and pieces of the bible, it is amazing which bits
people take and ignore or deny.

Yet there are millions upon millions that use this drivel and other drivel as a basis for their beliefs.

There is one life, the one you are in. You are reading this now and you are alive, you are so very lucky, we are all so very lucky to be here, we are an amazing animal. We think, act on, develop skills and create responsibly again and again and again.

This is the only chance, even if you have to feel there is more once we go, live this life like it is your only one.


We have an amazing gift and no more so than when I look at Isabella and think what an amazing life she has ahead of her, if she gets to meet half as many nice and different types of people as I have then she is going to have a cracker.
I know this sounds all rather deep but death is a subject that regularly brings me to tears. I am very lucky to not have had anybody in my immediate family to go but I have had one particularly amazing guy leave this life in a tragic way and today I learn of Shawn’s death just hurts my heart. I haven’t seen Shawn for a long time but he smiled and smiling is what I remember of him and always will. I will not see him again in an afterlife, I will just remember him for smiling and his warm personality

I cannot hold on to the fact I will see him again because I won’t. This is hard but a strong reality, it serves to remind me that I have to enjoy everything I can and I want others to do the same.

Death is a reality that is hard to bear, as intelligent animals we have developed emotions and feelings and I feel that makes it such a harsh reality, that we live, grow old, love and lose. It is a sick feeling I feel when I imagine what it will be like to lose people very close to me. I can’t imagine the feeling others I know have felt when they have lost people.

I am upset now just writing this down, all due to death, I get emotional when anybody dies, whether I know them or not. Somebody has lost someone and that is awful in itself. I hope that Shawn’s family hold his smile forever like I will and all my school friends. I wasn’t close to him, I just knew him well enough to be totally devastated at the news.

I hope that whoever takes time to read this takes something from these thoughts, to be honest, you are lucky because I could write a whole testament of this crap!

Sorry again!

Keep smiling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!