Monday, 11 May 2009

My first

My Blog.
So, I have finally decided to write a blog.
It is basically a diary, basically somewhere for my thoughts, I have always preferred writing things down. It gives me the opportunity to express myself and have no prejudices or pressure. It is how I feel. It also lets me babble on with an incredible amount of bullcrap. Bullcrap that usually I don’t have time to spout anywhere else, due to rather a busy life. Mind you, those that know me know I can and do so I might as well document it.

This is how Wikipedia describes a blog (god I love Wikipedia!)

Personal blogs
The personal blog, an ongoing diary or commentary by an individual, is the traditional, most common blog. Personal bloggers usually take pride in their blog posts, even if their blog is never read by anyone but them. Blogs often become more than a way to just communicate; they become a way to reflect on life or works of art. Blogging can have a sentimental quality. Few personal blogs rise to fame and the mainstream, but some personal blogs quickly garner an extensive following. A type of personal blog is referred to as "microblogging," which is extremely detailed blogging as it seeks to capture a moment in time. Sites, such as Twitter, allow bloggers to share thoughts and feelings instantaneously with friends and family and is much faster than e-mailing or writing. This form of
social media lends to an online generation already too busy to keep in touch.[

I have wanted to write an official blog for quite a while now. So much has happened for me in the last year and a half that it has seemed to past me by, or kind of picked me up and carried me through it all. I wish I could go back to certain stages in the past and write my thoughts down then. I would love to know and see how odd or different they may have seemed to me now. The emotions and feelings that can be felt by us swing so varied from time to time.

My blog will be random, I feel very strongly about lots of subjects. I have a brain full of opinions and views and when I feel like writing about a subject, that’s exactly what I am going to do. Write them down and then keep them forever as my very own encyclopedia of understanding. I can’t wait to look at them in the future and see what I was up to, the people I had met, the fun I had and the whines and moans that I produced.

This takes me to the whining and moaning, for all my family and friends that may read this blog, they will know that I am particularly good at this. In fact I class myself as one of the greatest moaners I have ever come across. Not that I am perfect, I just feel that I was made for it! So in future blogs, you will find a good deal of this. I strongly believe that I have to include my moans, A personal blog about me and my life wouldn’t be mine If I pretend to be something I am not.

So, what will my blog entries contain? ….. Anything I bloody want really, it IS mine.
For example, I have a lot to say about the value of friendship, Always bothered me. I have always wanted to write down how I feel about friendships. I haven’t been the greatest friend to people (mainly because I don’t set enough time aside for them, or anyone for that matter), I am absolutely terrible for staying in touch or answering the phone, but that doesn’t make me a bad friend, I value friendship more than most that’s for sure. More to come on that. What else? I have a lot to say on relationships for sure, there may be quite a few entries on that! Work is always a good subject for me because I work close on 80 hours a week in two jobs. I love work, workaholic, me.

Poker. That’s a subject you will definitely get a few rants about! But then again, Card games in general. I was born to play cards. I am happy playing any form or game of cards. Actually, maybe not Fish or Snap! But you get my drift? Give me any game from solitaire or round the clock, to Poker or Kalooki. I absolutely love it. I will spend a lot of my retirement in Las Vegas!

Then of course, I would also be wrong to exclude my impending fatherhood. The most amazing thing is about to happen to me, a great journey with my child, and a blog of the life of a new father. I have already witnessed my mother’s face when I told her! And if I could bottle the feeling I had that day then I would be a happy man forever. I will no doubt have so much to say on the subject. It’s all been done before of course, many people have documented what it is like to become a father. I will just join the revolution. I can’t wait.
I will not hold back on what my blog will contain, it really will be how I feel. I wouldn’t want it to be dishonest and it has to be the truth or there isn’t much point in doing it because ultimately it is for me to look back on and enjoy writing. I will try not to name people or acquaintances to much as I don’t want anyone to sue me but these people I write about will know who they are, it will be damn well obvious. I will not publish my blog day to day, I haven’t got time, but I hope it will be interesting enough if you choose to view it. If not , I really aren’t that bothered as I am sure to look back at it fondly.

So, I suppose that is my first entry. My next will probably be sooner rather than later. Have to go know as I have not been completing work due to this new found craze of mine!



1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to reading your brash yet sensitive style of writing and being Lewis. Keep up the "encyclopedia of understanding", I for one will be following you closely with a warm smile while doing so.
    Much love, D.
