Monday, 11 January 2010

I love the church

I am up and about early today, big day for me, lots and lots to do. Me around London on my little pop pop scooter, I love it.
You can’t beat London as a city, I haven’t been to as many major cities in the world as I would have liked to by now in my life, but it would be hard to beat this place, and it has everything. Still think the best place I have ever lived was my time in Camberwell, down the Walworth rd.
For anyone that has ever been down the Walworth Rd, like me, it is a hole, packed to the brim of what I like to call....’mongs’. Perhaps I am a ‘mong ‘for fitting in so well and love it. It just seemed to have around me such a mixture of friendly people and no trouble at all. I think I was there for three years, I may be wrong and it is only two but I never saw any trouble at all, I then moved to North Cheam when I bought my first flat and say more trouble in the first six months than I care to remember. I am not saying that Camberwell was trouble free, far from it; I regularly use to leave my house, turn into Walworth rd and be stopped by police tape, indicating to the public that during the night another fool decided to end somebody’s life with a gun. It never once scared me though, I find that strange, I am not sure why but I use that as a reason why I felt so secure in that area.
The flat I lived in was a lovely little housing association place given to me by an organisation called the ‘Church commissioners’. I have never felt so indebted to an organisation or person(other than my mama!) for helping me in my life, I will never understate what giving me that flat done for me, it gave me a responsibility and direction in life and it was something that I never had or strived to have before.
It is ironic that I am indebted to a church organisation yet I am such a staunch atheist and go against pretty much everything they do (all churches).

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