Thursday, 28 January 2010

Taurus The Bull-Bag


That’s the name I have called her for years, I am pretty sure I never started it, it was my parents.

We done what all other families do (I think), start with the name Victoria, and then, through the years it gets shortened and then lengthened and added to.

Eventually it becomes ‘ballbags’!

I believe the evolution of the name Victoria went like this




Taurus the bull


She is beautiful and I am very proud of her.I will read this back in a few years time and wonder exactly why I am writing about my sister so randomly.So I shall now remind myself.......

She has been moaning that, whilst my blog is enjoyable and well written (her words but always nice!) She is never mentioned in them. That is my sister, it has to have her name in it. Very predictable, especially when there is a photo opportunity, for as long as I can remember she has always posed in every picture she has taken. It is very funny to watch but rather annoying after a while when she just won't stop!

So I felt it would be nice to write something and now i have. If you have met her then you will have no doubt heard her.......and heard her tell the story of me defacating on her foot many years ago. She loves that story she does. In fact, she loves anything to do with 'richard the thirds'. It is her facourite time to be involved in a conversation because she can use all the words she has for 'poo' in on go. Get her on the subject and she won't stop.

As I have said, I am very proud of her and consider her a very close friend as well as a sister. There isn't much I wouldn't tell her and she makes me laugh a ridiculous amount of times, out loud. Which if you know me; also really annoys me because I have come across very few funny women in my life and feel that all funny women trying to be funny,are just like those very unfunny comediennes like Victoria Wood or Dawn French. Sigh....

She is coming on holiday to Greece this year with me and my family and I am very excited. Like a kid really, I love it when I get to see her and I will be with her for a whole week.

This year Tori took over the family season ticket at Chelsea and gets to sit next to me, we sit next to some gentleman who seems to sniff so much it is endless from start to finish, Tori will constantly try to get me to go in first so I have to sit there next to 'Sniffy Snifferson' as she puts it! Oh how we both love when I just physically push her onto the seat next to him.

Before I do finish this (because I have just realised I may never stop, I have just realised that Tori has endless comedy potential in this blog!), I have to say again that I am proud of her for bringing up Tommy her son on her own for so many years and watching her proving herself in the profession she does and having the ambition is quite an inspiration to people.

I would also like to point out that I believe with all this praise i should add that she can also be, and mostly is; a div.

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