So, I am engaged, it hasn’t sunk in but I am very excited about it. I am not too sure I could do anymore than I have to show how much I want to be involved in the planning of this wedding, I am looking forward to browsing the venues and menus and all that goes with such an event.
My only stipulation at the moment is that I want to just enjoy all this relaxing time I seem to have at the moment, I have nothing to plan for right now, no birthdays, no engagements, no running about for others, I just have my family, my two jobs and my studying. It is still all my time but I am not getting bunged up and run down at the moment. It is a great feeling, one that I don’t come across to often and I am really enjoying it. I just seem to be planning my days better.
So, like I said to Natasha, that is my only stipulation, let’s just take it easy for a few months, planning Christmas with the Keebles took it out of us. As does arranging simple get-togethers, so for the next few months there is just nothing going to be planned.
Natasha plainly didn’t listen to my stipulation because she is so excited and has already brought ‘The Bride’ magazine, which comes with approximately 30 odd supplements and supplements of supplements.
I feel my excitement waning............I wonder if they do a groom to be? ......or shall I just buy a copy of Nuts magazine............
Friday, 29 January 2010
Thursday, 28 January 2010
Taurus The Bull-Bag
That’s the name I have called her for years, I am pretty sure I never started it, it was my parents.
We done what all other families do (I think), start with the name Victoria, and then, through the years it gets shortened and then lengthened and added to.
Eventually it becomes ‘ballbags’!
I believe the evolution of the name Victoria went like this
Taurus the bull
She is beautiful and I am very proud of her.I will read this back in a few years time and wonder exactly why I am writing about my sister so randomly.So I shall now remind myself.......
She has been moaning that, whilst my blog is enjoyable and well written (her words but always nice!) She is never mentioned in them. That is my sister, it has to have her name in it. Very predictable, especially when there is a photo opportunity, for as long as I can remember she has always posed in every picture she has taken. It is very funny to watch but rather annoying after a while when she just won't stop!
So I felt it would be nice to write something and now i have. If you have met her then you will have no doubt heard her.......and heard her tell the story of me defacating on her foot many years ago. She loves that story she does. In fact, she loves anything to do with 'richard the thirds'. It is her facourite time to be involved in a conversation because she can use all the words she has for 'poo' in on go. Get her on the subject and she won't stop.
As I have said, I am very proud of her and consider her a very close friend as well as a sister. There isn't much I wouldn't tell her and she makes me laugh a ridiculous amount of times, out loud. Which if you know me; also really annoys me because I have come across very few funny women in my life and feel that all funny women trying to be funny,are just like those very unfunny comediennes like Victoria Wood or Dawn French. Sigh....
She is coming on holiday to Greece this year with me and my family and I am very excited. Like a kid really, I love it when I get to see her and I will be with her for a whole week.
This year Tori took over the family season ticket at Chelsea and gets to sit next to me, we sit next to some gentleman who seems to sniff so much it is endless from start to finish, Tori will constantly try to get me to go in first so I have to sit there next to 'Sniffy Snifferson' as she puts it! Oh how we both love when I just physically push her onto the seat next to him.
Before I do finish this (because I have just realised I may never stop, I have just realised that Tori has endless comedy potential in this blog!), I have to say again that I am proud of her for bringing up Tommy her son on her own for so many years and watching her proving herself in the profession she does and having the ambition is quite an inspiration to people.
I would also like to point out that I believe with all this praise i should add that she can also be, and mostly is; a div.
That’s the name I have called her for years, I am pretty sure I never started it, it was my parents.
We done what all other families do (I think), start with the name Victoria, and then, through the years it gets shortened and then lengthened and added to.
Eventually it becomes ‘ballbags’!
I believe the evolution of the name Victoria went like this
Taurus the bull
She is beautiful and I am very proud of her.I will read this back in a few years time and wonder exactly why I am writing about my sister so randomly.So I shall now remind myself.......
She has been moaning that, whilst my blog is enjoyable and well written (her words but always nice!) She is never mentioned in them. That is my sister, it has to have her name in it. Very predictable, especially when there is a photo opportunity, for as long as I can remember she has always posed in every picture she has taken. It is very funny to watch but rather annoying after a while when she just won't stop!
So I felt it would be nice to write something and now i have. If you have met her then you will have no doubt heard her.......and heard her tell the story of me defacating on her foot many years ago. She loves that story she does. In fact, she loves anything to do with 'richard the thirds'. It is her facourite time to be involved in a conversation because she can use all the words she has for 'poo' in on go. Get her on the subject and she won't stop.
As I have said, I am very proud of her and consider her a very close friend as well as a sister. There isn't much I wouldn't tell her and she makes me laugh a ridiculous amount of times, out loud. Which if you know me; also really annoys me because I have come across very few funny women in my life and feel that all funny women trying to be funny,are just like those very unfunny comediennes like Victoria Wood or Dawn French. Sigh....
She is coming on holiday to Greece this year with me and my family and I am very excited. Like a kid really, I love it when I get to see her and I will be with her for a whole week.
This year Tori took over the family season ticket at Chelsea and gets to sit next to me, we sit next to some gentleman who seems to sniff so much it is endless from start to finish, Tori will constantly try to get me to go in first so I have to sit there next to 'Sniffy Snifferson' as she puts it! Oh how we both love when I just physically push her onto the seat next to him.
Before I do finish this (because I have just realised I may never stop, I have just realised that Tori has endless comedy potential in this blog!), I have to say again that I am proud of her for bringing up Tommy her son on her own for so many years and watching her proving herself in the profession she does and having the ambition is quite an inspiration to people.
I would also like to point out that I believe with all this praise i should add that she can also be, and mostly is; a div.
Sunday, 24 January 2010
The big question
You see, I have been thinking about it for a LONG time, a very long time. It felt so very right, yet I couldn't help but think it is too soon. That is the problem with me, I second guess, it isn't that it isn't right to do it so soon, I am just not a hot-bed of spontaneity, that's all.
For the last couple of years I have been doing things differently, I had a baby, we had planned it, of course; we hadn't planned it to happen as quickly as it did! but it did, and praise science for what was produced, a cracker of a child.
I wanted that baby, I also wanted to spend my life with Natasha the moment I met her, she was way out of my league and couldn't believe it when she smiled and looked interested, I couldn't even think she was drunk as she was at work but she liked me and what a lucky girl she has been!!
Secretly, I have been making a few trips up to Hatton Garden to see a friend of a friend who owns a diamond setting business and if you excuse the pun, it was a 'gem' of a find, he got me the stone I requested and the mount I believed Natasha would like and once I had parted with a small fortune bob is your mothers brother.
The ring was now in the bag and at this point the nerves really started to kick in, I wouldn't say I was scared for the wrong answer, I just have always believed that I will ask this question only once, so it had to be good and had to be right, how the hell does someone make it right and when is it a good time to be so romantic, so cliched and sickly. I can be romantic but I feel like vomiting when it is too much. Unfortunately, I felt that I was going to have to fall into the vomit catergory.
A weekend trip to Bruges was brought for her christmas present so it was ideal, Isabella was to join us on her first trip to Europe, to be fair; it couldnt have been more of a perfect weekend. It was so easy to get there, Isabella was amazing and kept us and others laughing the whole weekend and Bruges was out of this world.The hotel is actually hard to put into words, amazing luxory and comfort. I have heard of good things about the city but nothing prepared me at all for how beautiful it was and it made it easier to 'pop' the question. Everywhere you look in Bruges is stunning, so the nerves kicked in as to where and when I will propose, I was a wreck but couldn't show it, in hindsight Natasha wondered what the hell was wrong with me from the beginning, she was also extremely suspicious of me shouting out "I'm nervous", whilst I had a doze on the eurotunnel in the car!
It has consumed me recently too much and it was only right that I 'get it out of the way' as they say. We got there early and thought the best thing was to get the ring from the case to the pocket. done-check. No suspicions there.
No to walk around Bruges and be interested whilst sorting out the best place to do it. er, not done, er, no check.
It was awful, I was sweating and had a couple of mini panic attacks, what the hell is wrong with me?!!
In the end I made her walk round and around Bruges with me and didn't get to do it so we went back to feed the bubba and get ready to go out for dinner. I was psyching myself up and knew that tonight was the night, that way we could enjoy the rest of the weekend(well, I could). So what did we do?...I made her walk round and around again and when we stumbled upon the statue of lovers, I thought this is as corny and as cliched as you can get. I just couldn't do it. I even paused right by it and thgought I was gonna collapse with stress! I made a joke about it being a rubbish statue and made for the nearest restaurant. A beautiful meal was had and we made our way back to the hotel with the bubba in the buggy, It had been raining but ceased for our walk passed the statue.
To make it all seem a surprise I had spent most of the holiday talking of why it isn't a good idea to get engaged so early in a relationship blah blah blah. I was doing my own head in.
As we got to the statue ask her how happy she was, is there anything I could do to make it happier, I went into my pocket and she started to pull away from me...uh oh
I had to grab her to show her I was serious, all the times I had jokingly got on one knee were about to backfire, she was doing a runner!
She kept asking me if I was serious (I hadn't even asked her yet), I was serious, I showed her the awful box (that my mama said she wouldn't even notice) containng the ring and asked her. She started to cry and kept asking me "really?", I felt choked myself and asked her again as if it was my final answer, I could almost hear the Who wants to be a millionaire music and the lights slamming down on me with that awful music!
She looked at me and said yes, I cried, partly out of the amazing stress release and mostly because I have never met anyone like her and cannot believe she would want to spend her life with me.
She has since spent the weekend in shock and randomly sobs, hopefully not in regret.
I am very happy and look forward to reading my blog back to myself in years to come and seeing how happy I am.
I would like to thank the following in the making of this film.
All the keebles for the secrets being kept.
Paul for putting me in touch with his diamond buddy. Thank u.
My work mates, who spent the last two weeks laughing at my nervousness and reminding me that I am lucky to have her, as I am a little, fat, dwarf, bender. Many thanks. I wouldn't want to have it any other way.
Isabella for being amazing.
So...roll on summer 2012......The olympics, the european championships, and I am getting married.
For the last couple of years I have been doing things differently, I had a baby, we had planned it, of course; we hadn't planned it to happen as quickly as it did! but it did, and praise science for what was produced, a cracker of a child.
I wanted that baby, I also wanted to spend my life with Natasha the moment I met her, she was way out of my league and couldn't believe it when she smiled and looked interested, I couldn't even think she was drunk as she was at work but she liked me and what a lucky girl she has been!!
Secretly, I have been making a few trips up to Hatton Garden to see a friend of a friend who owns a diamond setting business and if you excuse the pun, it was a 'gem' of a find, he got me the stone I requested and the mount I believed Natasha would like and once I had parted with a small fortune bob is your mothers brother.
The ring was now in the bag and at this point the nerves really started to kick in, I wouldn't say I was scared for the wrong answer, I just have always believed that I will ask this question only once, so it had to be good and had to be right, how the hell does someone make it right and when is it a good time to be so romantic, so cliched and sickly. I can be romantic but I feel like vomiting when it is too much. Unfortunately, I felt that I was going to have to fall into the vomit catergory.
A weekend trip to Bruges was brought for her christmas present so it was ideal, Isabella was to join us on her first trip to Europe, to be fair; it couldnt have been more of a perfect weekend. It was so easy to get there, Isabella was amazing and kept us and others laughing the whole weekend and Bruges was out of this world.The hotel is actually hard to put into words, amazing luxory and comfort. I have heard of good things about the city but nothing prepared me at all for how beautiful it was and it made it easier to 'pop' the question. Everywhere you look in Bruges is stunning, so the nerves kicked in as to where and when I will propose, I was a wreck but couldn't show it, in hindsight Natasha wondered what the hell was wrong with me from the beginning, she was also extremely suspicious of me shouting out "I'm nervous", whilst I had a doze on the eurotunnel in the car!
It has consumed me recently too much and it was only right that I 'get it out of the way' as they say. We got there early and thought the best thing was to get the ring from the case to the pocket. done-check. No suspicions there.
No to walk around Bruges and be interested whilst sorting out the best place to do it. er, not done, er, no check.
It was awful, I was sweating and had a couple of mini panic attacks, what the hell is wrong with me?!!
In the end I made her walk round and around Bruges with me and didn't get to do it so we went back to feed the bubba and get ready to go out for dinner. I was psyching myself up and knew that tonight was the night, that way we could enjoy the rest of the weekend(well, I could). So what did we do?...I made her walk round and around again and when we stumbled upon the statue of lovers, I thought this is as corny and as cliched as you can get. I just couldn't do it. I even paused right by it and thgought I was gonna collapse with stress! I made a joke about it being a rubbish statue and made for the nearest restaurant. A beautiful meal was had and we made our way back to the hotel with the bubba in the buggy, It had been raining but ceased for our walk passed the statue.
To make it all seem a surprise I had spent most of the holiday talking of why it isn't a good idea to get engaged so early in a relationship blah blah blah. I was doing my own head in.
As we got to the statue ask her how happy she was, is there anything I could do to make it happier, I went into my pocket and she started to pull away from me...uh oh
I had to grab her to show her I was serious, all the times I had jokingly got on one knee were about to backfire, she was doing a runner!
She kept asking me if I was serious (I hadn't even asked her yet), I was serious, I showed her the awful box (that my mama said she wouldn't even notice) containng the ring and asked her. She started to cry and kept asking me "really?", I felt choked myself and asked her again as if it was my final answer, I could almost hear the Who wants to be a millionaire music and the lights slamming down on me with that awful music!
She looked at me and said yes, I cried, partly out of the amazing stress release and mostly because I have never met anyone like her and cannot believe she would want to spend her life with me.
She has since spent the weekend in shock and randomly sobs, hopefully not in regret.
I am very happy and look forward to reading my blog back to myself in years to come and seeing how happy I am.
I would like to thank the following in the making of this film.
All the keebles for the secrets being kept.
Paul for putting me in touch with his diamond buddy. Thank u.
My work mates, who spent the last two weeks laughing at my nervousness and reminding me that I am lucky to have her, as I am a little, fat, dwarf, bender. Many thanks. I wouldn't want to have it any other way.
Isabella for being amazing.
So...roll on summer 2012......The olympics, the european championships, and I am getting married.
Thursday, 21 January 2010
We have a tooth! 25 weeks yesterday and we see her first tooth, bottom, middle tooth.Fantastic, she hasn't even given us trouble on the teething front, this child is amazing. So happy its hard to believe children could be a problem!
We are going to Bruges today for Natasha's christmas present, Isabellas first foray abroad. We had to get her a passport, Natasha didn't think we needed passports because we are travelling by train, she never ceases to amaze me.
We are going to Bruges today for Natasha's christmas present, Isabellas first foray abroad. We had to get her a passport, Natasha didn't think we needed passports because we are travelling by train, she never ceases to amaze me.
Thursday, 14 January 2010
How can a kebab shop be closed at 12.30am? I can’t understand it, it made me a very upset little tubby man, I tell you.
I don’t go out as often as I used to, in fact it is very few and far between but it doesn’t bother me one bit. I have different priorities now and love having a family and sitting there grunting my disgust at how bad Eastenders is or how diabolical Coronation St is, night after night. Soaps are my sole reason that I don’t watch much T.V. Television is bad for adults, Makes us very lazy, I could live without it but only as long as I lived next to a pub that shows every football game it can.
Never the less, I miss my friends; and when I go out, to me, it is a big thing. Big thing as in I won’t eat beforehand because I have every intention to chow down a large chicken shish and chips....washed down with a Diet Coke (has to be a Diet Coke) at the end of the evening. I wasn’t particularly late last night, would have been earlier but Scrabble and Dandy (not their real names) decided we hadn’t consumed enough alcohol and ‘persuaded’ me to cross the road to SO.UK bar. Anyway once I had emptied my wallet and gone into my overdraft as I paid for our drinks, it was time for the train home. I got off at Morden with the plan to assault and attack the menu of a place I haven’t been before, ‘Kebaby’ in the main street. I had eyed it up on the way out and got myself pretty excited over it! So this was the culmination of a how nights eagerness and anticipation.
Had it sold out of Pittas?
Had the snow not killed enough dogs recently to keep the place stocked up and ready for the drunken fatties like myself to chow?
If I recall rightly, I was so annoyed I grumpily kicked some litter and walked off talking to myself mumbling things like ‘how can a kebab shop be closed?’ and repeating the word ‘unbelievable’ over and over again. I was so unhappy I can tell you. To top it off, at the bus stop waiting for the red thing my iPod decided to run out of battery so I was a very unhappy, alone, man at bus stop listening to nothing without his kebab.
I am still baffled as to why it was closed. Natasha reckons it was because it was only a Wednesday, she just doesn’t understand the drinking culture; I think I told her this in my drunken state whilst patting her head in a patronising manner. I am such a catch!
I don’t go out as often as I used to, in fact it is very few and far between but it doesn’t bother me one bit. I have different priorities now and love having a family and sitting there grunting my disgust at how bad Eastenders is or how diabolical Coronation St is, night after night. Soaps are my sole reason that I don’t watch much T.V. Television is bad for adults, Makes us very lazy, I could live without it but only as long as I lived next to a pub that shows every football game it can.
Never the less, I miss my friends; and when I go out, to me, it is a big thing. Big thing as in I won’t eat beforehand because I have every intention to chow down a large chicken shish and chips....washed down with a Diet Coke (has to be a Diet Coke) at the end of the evening. I wasn’t particularly late last night, would have been earlier but Scrabble and Dandy (not their real names) decided we hadn’t consumed enough alcohol and ‘persuaded’ me to cross the road to SO.UK bar. Anyway once I had emptied my wallet and gone into my overdraft as I paid for our drinks, it was time for the train home. I got off at Morden with the plan to assault and attack the menu of a place I haven’t been before, ‘Kebaby’ in the main street. I had eyed it up on the way out and got myself pretty excited over it! So this was the culmination of a how nights eagerness and anticipation.
Had it sold out of Pittas?
Had the snow not killed enough dogs recently to keep the place stocked up and ready for the drunken fatties like myself to chow?
If I recall rightly, I was so annoyed I grumpily kicked some litter and walked off talking to myself mumbling things like ‘how can a kebab shop be closed?’ and repeating the word ‘unbelievable’ over and over again. I was so unhappy I can tell you. To top it off, at the bus stop waiting for the red thing my iPod decided to run out of battery so I was a very unhappy, alone, man at bus stop listening to nothing without his kebab.
I am still baffled as to why it was closed. Natasha reckons it was because it was only a Wednesday, she just doesn’t understand the drinking culture; I think I told her this in my drunken state whilst patting her head in a patronising manner. I am such a catch!
Monday, 11 January 2010
I love the church
I am up and about early today, big day for me, lots and lots to do. Me around London on my little pop pop scooter, I love it.
You can’t beat London as a city, I haven’t been to as many major cities in the world as I would have liked to by now in my life, but it would be hard to beat this place, and it has everything. Still think the best place I have ever lived was my time in Camberwell, down the Walworth rd.
For anyone that has ever been down the Walworth Rd, like me, it is a hole, packed to the brim of what I like to call....’mongs’. Perhaps I am a ‘mong ‘for fitting in so well and love it. It just seemed to have around me such a mixture of friendly people and no trouble at all. I think I was there for three years, I may be wrong and it is only two but I never saw any trouble at all, I then moved to North Cheam when I bought my first flat and say more trouble in the first six months than I care to remember. I am not saying that Camberwell was trouble free, far from it; I regularly use to leave my house, turn into Walworth rd and be stopped by police tape, indicating to the public that during the night another fool decided to end somebody’s life with a gun. It never once scared me though, I find that strange, I am not sure why but I use that as a reason why I felt so secure in that area.
The flat I lived in was a lovely little housing association place given to me by an organisation called the ‘Church commissioners’. I have never felt so indebted to an organisation or person(other than my mama!) for helping me in my life, I will never understate what giving me that flat done for me, it gave me a responsibility and direction in life and it was something that I never had or strived to have before.
It is ironic that I am indebted to a church organisation yet I am such a staunch atheist and go against pretty much everything they do (all churches).
You can’t beat London as a city, I haven’t been to as many major cities in the world as I would have liked to by now in my life, but it would be hard to beat this place, and it has everything. Still think the best place I have ever lived was my time in Camberwell, down the Walworth rd.
For anyone that has ever been down the Walworth Rd, like me, it is a hole, packed to the brim of what I like to call....’mongs’. Perhaps I am a ‘mong ‘for fitting in so well and love it. It just seemed to have around me such a mixture of friendly people and no trouble at all. I think I was there for three years, I may be wrong and it is only two but I never saw any trouble at all, I then moved to North Cheam when I bought my first flat and say more trouble in the first six months than I care to remember. I am not saying that Camberwell was trouble free, far from it; I regularly use to leave my house, turn into Walworth rd and be stopped by police tape, indicating to the public that during the night another fool decided to end somebody’s life with a gun. It never once scared me though, I find that strange, I am not sure why but I use that as a reason why I felt so secure in that area.
The flat I lived in was a lovely little housing association place given to me by an organisation called the ‘Church commissioners’. I have never felt so indebted to an organisation or person(other than my mama!) for helping me in my life, I will never understate what giving me that flat done for me, it gave me a responsibility and direction in life and it was something that I never had or strived to have before.
It is ironic that I am indebted to a church organisation yet I am such a staunch atheist and go against pretty much everything they do (all churches).
Sunday, 10 January 2010
Just call me Jack.
The resemblance is beginning to seem uncanny apparantly, even I notice it. I am becoming very much the image of Jack Dee.
For a start, let me just point out that I like to think that I can be even grumpier than Jack Dee, and as people that are close to me will point out, I enjoy being miserable.
I am the happiest I have ever been but I feel that moaning and whining is never to far away from me and I won't hold back. Of course, it is well justified, I cannot stand stupidness and incompetance, that would be a regular cause for me to start off on one. I tend to come across these to reasons for moaning very often in the job I do, there are some very stupid and incompetant people occupying very influencial positions in my job. Many times, myself and workmates have been baffled and even reduced to hysterics at what can go on in our every day work.
I could be here for a long tme writing down things so seeing as I now have found myself with more time to blog, I am going to try to whinge on here more often!
For a start, let me just point out that I like to think that I can be even grumpier than Jack Dee, and as people that are close to me will point out, I enjoy being miserable.
I am the happiest I have ever been but I feel that moaning and whining is never to far away from me and I won't hold back. Of course, it is well justified, I cannot stand stupidness and incompetance, that would be a regular cause for me to start off on one. I tend to come across these to reasons for moaning very often in the job I do, there are some very stupid and incompetant people occupying very influencial positions in my job. Many times, myself and workmates have been baffled and even reduced to hysterics at what can go on in our every day work.
I could be here for a long tme writing down things so seeing as I now have found myself with more time to blog, I am going to try to whinge on here more often!
Sunday, 3 January 2010
Isabella Kermit Keeble
Isabella reminds me of a frog, well....frogs legs, you see, she is at an amazing stage at the moment she is trying to crawl. So desperate is she to crawl, you can see it in her face. She just lays on her back now on the floor holding her legs and making so many sounds its like call of the wild. She is trying to roll over and a very few times she is succeeding. When she does succeed it is hilarious as her arm; or what me and Natasha like to call; her 'gammy' arm! keeps getting caught under her body. She doesn't know what to do and it is giving me and Natasha lots of enjoyment, in a fun to be cruel kinda way! I like helping her along by pulling her gammy arm from underneath her body but then she just lays there resting on her arms with her legs shuffling. Unfortunately for her, she goes nowhere, so just decides to roll onto her back and continue holding her legs for ages and watching the TV. Thats when I was sitting there and realised she resembled a frog.........
She is 6 months now....I found myself shedding a tear today whilst waiting at some traffic lights. Just merely thinking about the day she was born. It really was the best day of my life, it sounds so corny and I hate corny, but it is an experiance like no other. Jim and Danielle are three days overdue for the birth of their baby and I can't wait for it to come myself. He will make a great dad, I have seen him wth Isabella Blue, I am so excited for him.
She is 6 months now....I found myself shedding a tear today whilst waiting at some traffic lights. Just merely thinking about the day she was born. It really was the best day of my life, it sounds so corny and I hate corny, but it is an experiance like no other. Jim and Danielle are three days overdue for the birth of their baby and I can't wait for it to come myself. He will make a great dad, I have seen him wth Isabella Blue, I am so excited for him.
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